by Cash Commercial Finance
Contact Cash at cashendowment[at]hotmail[dot]com
I hope all is well. This weekend I joined Reverend Al Sharpton and the National Action Network (NAN). As someone who has participated in NAN events previously (Stop and Frisk March, Eric Garner memorial ceremony, etc.), it seems like a natural progression, as I work to fulfill my desire to enhance our urban communities through information and service.
As a member of NAN, I believe that my work will inspire and heal. I believe with the guidance of Reverend Sharpton and the staff at NAN I’ll be able to facilitate some of the workshops and community engagements I desire to orchestrate. I’m really excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, and I’m open to any suggestions on how we can work together to build sustainability in our urban communities.
As a new member of NAN my first assignment is to work with the Guardians to provide security at the NAN Convention. The convention will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in New York City from April 3rd to 6th, I suggest that you come out and support this great event. The panels, entertainment, and fellowship will serve as a great way to get in tune with the needs of our communities, as we work together to create the future.
Peace & Blessings,
As we learned recently that Corey Booker has decided to run for one of the most prestigious jobs in the world. I have mixed thoughts about seeing another man of color in the office. My main question, is America ready or not? Like most of you, I witnessed all of the foolishness that followed the Obama presidency. It seems that instead of motivating people that change is apparent, we have seen some of the most ignorant and selfish behavior that our oval office has ever recorded. In return, my skepticism about the Cory Booker announcement is legitimate, my observations from the last couple of years lead me to wonder whether this is gonna be a blessing to people of color or a curse. I guess we have to wait to see what occurs, the hard part about this one is gonna be remaining optimistic.
We also learned this week that Kamala Harris is running for President. I don’t know much about her, probably because she is based on the West Coast, but I’m willing to hear her out. Ultimately, I wonder what would be the reaction of society, if we elected an African American woman. As mentioned earlier, we just witnessed the backlash of electing a African American man, I can only wonder what these people would do if we put a black woman in office. The older I get, the more I feel this that this white privilege thing is real. Don’t get me wrong, I have white friends that are just as cool as my best black friends. But I don’t feel that this white privilege thing is about that. It’s the powers that be, willing to suppress and destroy whatever threatens their capitalistic agenda. Through it all we must realize that it’s gonna take time to create a world that generates balance from birth to death for all mankind. How long, I don’t know! But I guess I’ll remain optimistic about this as well, and simple move on.
Peace & Blessings,
It’s about that time of the year again. Although my personal projects are mounting up, I feel compelled to speak about some of the social issues that continue to contribute to injustice in our communities. I believe that in the true spirit ‘Humanities Heart,’ not only are we responsible to speak up for ourselves, but we must also speak up for the future of urban infrastructure, and our responsibility to create sustainability through our culture.
First of all I must speak about some of the positive events I was able to be apart of this summer, such as Juneteenth with Dr. Barber and Dr. Forbes. Dr. Barber reminded us that many of us are, NOT GETTING THE MEMO! I also attended another graduation with Omar Freilla and Green Worker Cooperatives. I felt exhilarated, as I witnessed another group of entrepreneurs prepare to build from the inside to create change on the outside. I also attended a seminar hosted by Chris Edmin and Teachers College, Columbia University. As I witnessed these young people combine hip-hop and science, I sat in the auditorium both inspired and amazed. I believe that an event like this captures the true essence of creativity, which eventually will conceive progressive growth throughout our communities.
These are a few events that come time mind as I search for motivation in the mist of current disparities. Situations like the Brooklyn nail salon incident, the Dashawn McGrier beat down, and the unfortunate fate of Kalief Browder, have me in a state of uncertainty, wondering about the safety my friends and family. I not sure if it’s normal to feel this way, but I hope that we are moving closer to the solutions rather than agitating the problems.
As we approach another Super Bowl Sunday, I reflect on my decision to boycott the National Football League (NFL) this year. After witnessing our guy Collin Kaepernick lose livelihood; I became livid at how a league could discriminate against a person for exercising his/her first amendment rights. This was a perfect example of how this country continues to promote a, “be all you can be message,” as long as you march to the beat of our drum. I’m hopeful that the time will come in this country that we, “practice what we preach.”
In hindsight I don’t know if my efforts to abort the NFL really brought about change or awareness, but I felt it was my duty to conduct myself in a manner that was conducive to creating change. Small strides seem to be the way our country and people will eventually gain justice and liberty. This liberty should not be accompanied with stipulations that pacify an already flawed system, but it should unite, educate, and exude freedom. As the Eagles and Patriots take the field, remember that it’s a game and games produce winners and losers. My issue this season was that we all become losers when we support censorship, in regards to justice and equality for all.
Please check out my full article here:
P.S. Lol, you gotta love the commercials tho!!
Happy Holidays Beautiful People:
Just wanted to touch base with you about an injustice that occurred on American Airlines. In case you didn’t know, Justice League NYC Activists, Tamika Mallory and Mysonne were discharged from a flight for speaking up about a situation that occurred with one of the American Airlines employees.
Please take a look at this Breakfast Club interview. It’s important for us to take a stand against the powers that be. I had a conversation the other day with a colleague about being humble. He felt that Mysonne and Ms. Mallory would have come off better by just, as we use to say, “eating crow.” The only problem with that is, eventually those who violate human rights begin to justify their behavior when unchallenged. We can’t let it happen!
I am not one to jump the gun or overact, but it seems that people in authoritative positions should be held accountable for not treating people in a fair and just manner. I don’t now if we need to boycott American Airlines, but some thing needs to be done. We must ensure that the future of our communities remains stabilized, in order for us to function as productive people.
Hello My Good People,
This year we were honored to accept an invitation to the HASTAC Conference in Orlando, FL. The opportunity to share our social justice work with the HASTAC community was transcending. We are sending a special thanks to Cathy N. Davidson and Future Initiative. We look forward to participating next year in Canada.
Peace & Blessings,
Good Day Indigenous People,
As we get closer to the holiday season, we see that injustice is still alive in American culture. Jemele Hill, journalist for ESPN, simple raised her voice against the foolishness that continues to occur in the NFL, and was forced to take a leave of absence. Yes, I am a Dallas Cowboys fan. Yes, I think that Gerry Jones is being influence by the sponsors and NFL politics. These are my opinions, I should be allowed share my opinion without the pressure of facing job elimination. The bigger picture here is the respect that we should be receiving, in regard to free speech and our First Amendment rights!
What is free speech? Are we allowed to speak freely when they ask us a question? Is it okay to speak when we saying what they enjoy hearing? Is our free speech supported only amongst family and friends? We have to begin to challenge a system that is being driven by censorship. We must begin to make it our personal business to push the limits of what I deem, ‘free expression,’ although some want us seen and not heard. All Jemele Hill did was speak her truth, and she got suspended from her job. Although she will be back in a couple of weeks, we have to look at this nasty situation, as a virus that needs to be killed. Today Jemele Hill, tomorrow Lauryn Hill, we can’t allow it to happen.
Please call ESPN (860-766-2000) and express your discuss, also post your opinions with the hashtag #StandWithJemeleHill
Peace & Blessings,
What’s up People,
As we settle into a new semester, I am concerned about what I see going on in our country. Most notable the tragedy that just occurred in Las Vegas, where many people lost their lives for no apparent reason. How do we begin to approach general safety issues? Do we need more conversations about policy change to spread awareness in regard to gun control? Should an individual have the right to purchase a gun for safety?
As I think about this issue, I realize that urban communities are usually targeted in these conversations; but rarely do we hear about mass shootings occurring in our inner cities. Although it’s true that urban communities facilitate gang violence, never have we heard of people just killing other people without rhyme or reason. Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers! But I believe it’s important to challenge each other and our government to revisit our gun laws for general safety. We must continue to work for a solution to gun violence, and it shouldn’t take a mass shooting or two people shooting it out on the South Side of Chicago for us to wake up, and work to prevent senseless violence.
Peace & Blessings,
Hey Beautiful People,
I hope your summer was remarkable. Things have heated up since I last posted in regards to social justice. What stands out is the Colin Kapernick situation. This man is still unemployed, and it seems that the owners want nothing to do with him. If we look at the statistics, Kapernick seems to have a lot to offer an NFL team. How can we justify a league that punishes a man for standing up for his believes? Many say he was blackballed! What do you think?
As a black man in America, I believe that this brother might not ever work in the NFL again. I also believe that this is a great example of the injustices that continue to infect our communities. It might not seem to be important to some, but we must raise our voices against this this type corporate dominance. We have to attack these organizations by boycotting the NFL! This is the only way to gain respect, as we confirm our relevance to the league. I know for many, boycotting is impossible, but for those who can, please do, let’s work to take a stand against blatant injustice.
Peace & Blessing,