Good Day Brothas and Sistas,
As we prepare for another Black History Month a mist one of the most troublesome years of our lives. I feel that it’s a perfect time to acknowledge the accomplishments and goals of the world renowned activist, preacher, and family man Dr. Martin Luther King. As I look at history, I see his work on earth is still relevant and his approach to the work serves a great model to how we should condition ourselves to deal with the issues that continue to plague our urban communities. I wrote this peace below to celebrate Dr. King, please join me as we celebrate the life and times of the true king. We miss you sir!
I would also like to open a dialogue based on what happened to the brotha Keyon Harrold’s son. For those who haven’t heard, Keyon’s son was accused of stealing a young ladies cellphone at the Arlo Hotel in Soho. My question is: was it the color of his skin? Or was it the way he carried himself? Either way it was a flagrant display of discrimination! To this young ladies defense, if she has one, the news is constantly painting pictures of our young people behaving like neanderthals. So in a crazy kind of way she may have just been reacting to what she believes all young people of color are doing! Miya Ponsetto, was charged with attempted robbery, grand larceny, acting in a manner injurious to a child and two counts of attempted assault, I would also like to mention that she is from the west coast. So maybe she found herself in a different place and just overreacted because she wasn’t familiar with her surroundings. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not making excuses for her , but at this point I am training my thoughts and opinions to be as objective as possible. Anyway let’s support Keyon’s campaign for justice and equality by signing the petition. Please text Keyon to 55156.
Finally, please support my new project #Censored by purchasing a t-shirt. You also will receive a free download of the EP, which is filled with a fusion of soul, hip hop, jazz, house, and ambient music. I sincerely hope that the New Year brings many of us peace, through hard work, quality time with family and friends, and the pursuit of our dreams. Let’s all take time to support and share information with our communities. Remember it takes a village to create sustainability.
Until next time,