As a writer/musician/activist, I continue to witness the need for innovative business and synergy in our urban communities. Upon completing my studies at The City University of New York last year, I decided to become an advocate for grassroots business. My first goal was to create a song or theme music to motivate myself, as well as my allies, as we share the message of the movement. I decided to work with a few of my fellow creatives to compose a record that spoke to the need for sustainable socio economic development within our communities. We came up with the record, “Co-Op” which we would like to share, as we strive to advocate for justice and equality throughout the universe.
As a producer/visionary, my next goal was to create a visual representation for the ‘Co-Op’ record. As a writer, I collaborated with a cinematographer and director to share my vision of what a collaborative community should represent. I decided to reach out to my friends, as well as my business partners, to fuse together a collective unit to inspire change. To my astonishment, our community came together in the spirit of love and encouragement to create a phenomenal visual representation of the movement. Our ultimate objective is to continue to grow, as we plant seeds for tomorrow, through cultivating relationships with organizations in the creative community.
With a strong commitment to public service, film, and all multi media outlets, I would like to build The Urban Co-Op Initiative with cuban links. We are currently soliciting donations to enhance our visibility, and the work we are commissioned to do. Please support by adding this song to your playlists, connecting with our team to enlighten and work with your organization, and reaching out to us for future collaborations. Thanks again for your time, energy, and awareness.
Mr. Jeff Collin Suttles