Greetings Brothas & Sistas,
Last week I attended a reparations rally, which raised some serious questions about our society and the climate we currently live in. Growing up in Massachusetts, going to a parochial school, playing little league sports, and attending a Pentecostal church, I was never introduced to the trauma that my forefathers had unfortunately encountered. To be honest, if it had not been for Spike Lee films, I probably would never had been compelled to think about the history of people of color. Which is really sad!
Moving forward, I have awakened. As we prepare for the Commitment March in Washington DC this week, we celebrate John Lewis’s labor. We denounce the brutal beating of people of color in our urban communities. We stand together for justice and equality, which is what our tax dollars are, suppose to represent. As of this day, 731 people have died at the hands of police (2020). As of this day, many of the people in our urban communities (estimated 40 percent) fail to see the importance of casting their ballots. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why our conditions remain the same! Let’s work to change the narrative people.
As mentioned earlier, I attended a rally last week in Columbus Circle organized by the December 12th Movement. These Brothas and Sistas spoke about decolonizing our colonized societies, they played audio recording of slaves being auctioned off like cattle, and they simple exposed the hand of the oppressor, and the ideology they do business under which obviously favors their hidden agendas. At this point, I am literally speechless. I wish you all a blessed fall season, let’s put on our seat belts, and prepare for another cycle of deceit and shenanigans.
Peace & Blessings,
“Use Me” by Bill Withers