Good Day Good People,
I wanna take this time to spread eclectic energy to you and whatever causes you deem worthy of your time. As we move along in this first season of 2021, I encourage all of us to seek mental wellness through justice and equality for all mankind. Upon completion of the recent Trump impeachment hearings we see how controversy and confusion have the power to override liberalism. The fact that nobody wins or loses unless we find equitable circumstances for all should remain our central theme, without this perspective we fall victims to greed, and become scapegoats to a capitalistic agenda that promotes chaos rather than socio economic mobility.
As another manifestation of the restless times we live in, Congresswoman Malorie Taylor Greene is under scrutiny for comments she made on Facebook regarding the Parkland, Florida school shootings. Greene allegedly commented on a conspiracy theory that stated that the shooting was staged. Realizing that the mass shooting was a very serious tragedy, I wonder where her comment came from, and why she felt the need to share her opinion through a Facebook post. If you have some extended views on where Greene may have been coming from please feel free to comment or email me for clarification or better understanding. Also, I have attached a petition that is calling for the removal of Greene from the Congress. Please sign if you feel that Greene should be suspended from her work in the House Education and Labor Committee.
Finally, we had 4 stabbings on the subway in New York City last week. To my understanding 2 people lost their lives, due to senseless violence. I challenge myself as well as those who are reading this to take a moment to share or spread love in your community. Whether it be a brief conversation, a kind gesture, or direction when it comes to resources. There are many people amongst us suffering from mental, financial, and spiritual trauma. Let’s not become so desensitized, that we forget to do our part when it comes to making our world a better place to live.
Remember: It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.
~ John Templeton