Ok Brothas & Sistas,
I have been careful to let my thoughts marinate, before speaking in haste. As I observed what just took place in our country, and now ironically the world, my spirit is sad. We all know COVID19 had us all laying low, but now what happen to George Floyd, has brought things to another level. What’s has got me perplexed is that we know this foolishness has been occurring for over 400 years, yet it seems that as usual, it takes a tragedy for people to wake up, and smell the coffee!
As I walked down Fordham Rd. (Bronx, NY) yesterday, I saw one of my Latino brothas verbally assaulting the police. As this brotha yelled slurs and called this man everything but a child of the Most High, I felt compelled to ask myself, “how did we get here?” On one hand, the Latino brotha was totally justified in the anger he displayed, on the other hand, those cops he was yelling at are men, with families, and they should not be judged for what took place in the George Floyd assassination. My point is that, ‘we have to find a way, to bring some lovin here today.’
Look people, I hope that this country begins to heal. It seems that 2020 has bought out some serious issues. From the death of the homie Kobe Bryant, to COVID19, to the recent riots, and let’s knot forget, we aren’t even half way through the year yet. Let’s make an effort to read our favorite literature, spend time kicking it with family and friends, and pray for each other. We have done and said everything else, let’s give peace a chance.
R.I.P. Wes Unseld