Tag Archives: JeffSuttles

Cory Booker, Ready Or Not?

Cory Booker announces his candidacy for president.

As we learned recently that Corey Booker has decided to run for one of the most prestigious jobs in the world. I have mixed thoughts about seeing another man of color in the office. My main question, is America ready or not? Like most of you, I witnessed all of the foolishness that followed the Obama presidency. It seems that instead of motivating people that change is apparent, we have seen some of the most ignorant and selfish behavior that our oval office has ever recorded. In return, my skepticism about the Cory Booker announcement is legitimate, my observations from the last couple of years lead me to wonder whether this is gonna be a blessing to people of color or a curse. I guess we have to wait to see what occurs, the hard part about this one is gonna be remaining optimistic.

We also learned this week that Kamala Harris is running for President. I don’t know much about her, probably because she is based on the West Coast, but I’m willing to hear her out. Ultimately, I wonder what would be the reaction of society, if we elected an African American woman. As mentioned earlier, we just witnessed the backlash of electing a African American man, I can only wonder what these people would do if we put a black woman in office. The older I get, the more I feel this that this white privilege thing is real. Don’t get me wrong, I have white friends that are just as cool as my best black friends. But I don’t feel that this white privilege thing is about that. It’s the powers that be, willing to suppress and destroy whatever threatens their capitalistic agenda. Through it all we must realize that it’s gonna take time to create a world that generates balance from birth to death for all mankind. How long, I don’t know! But I guess I’ll remain optimistic about this as well, and simple move on.

Peace & Blessings,



As we approach another Super Bowl Sunday, I reflect on my decision to boycott the National Football League (NFL) this year.  After witnessing our guy Collin Kaepernick lose livelihood; I became livid at how a league could discriminate against a person for exercising his/her first amendment rights. This was a perfect example of how this country continues to promote a, “be all you can be message,” as long as you march to the beat of our drum. I’m hopeful that the time will come in this country that we, “practice what we preach.”


In hindsight I don’t know if my efforts to abort the NFL really brought about change or awareness, but I felt it was my duty to conduct myself in a manner that was conducive to creating change. Small strides seem to be the way our country and people will eventually gain justice and liberty. This liberty should not be accompanied with stipulations that pacify an already flawed system, but it should unite, educate, and exude freedom. As the Eagles and Patriots take the field, remember that it’s a game and games produce winners and losers. My issue this season was that we all become losers when we support censorship, in regards to justice and equality for all.




Please check out my full article here:


P.S. Lol, you gotta love the commercials tho!!




What’s up People,


As we settle into a new semester, I am concerned about what I see going on in our country. Most notable the tragedy that just occurred in Las Vegas, where many people lost their lives for no apparent reason. How do we begin to approach general safety issues? Do we need more conversations about policy change to spread awareness in regard to gun control? Should an individual have the right to purchase a gun for safety?


As I think about this issue, I realize that urban communities are usually targeted in these conversations; but rarely do we hear about mass shootings occurring in our inner cities.  Although it’s true that urban communities facilitate gang violence, never have we heard of people just killing other people without rhyme or reason. Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers! But I believe it’s important to challenge each other and our government to revisit our gun laws for general safety. We must continue to work for a solution to gun violence, and it shouldn’t take a mass shooting or two people shooting it out on the South Side of Chicago for us to wake up, and work to prevent senseless violence.


Peace & Blessings,





Hey Beautiful People,


I hope your summer was remarkable. Things have heated up since I last posted in regards to social justice. What stands out is the Colin Kapernick situation. This man is still unemployed, and it seems that the owners want nothing to do with him. If we look at the statistics, Kapernick seems to have a lot to offer an NFL team. How can we justify a league that punishes a man for standing up for his believes? Many say he was blackballed! What do you think?


As a black man in America, I believe that this brother might not ever work in the NFL again. I also believe that this is a great example of the injustices that continue to infect our communities. It might not seem to be important to some, but we must raise our voices against this this type corporate dominance. We have to attack these organizations by boycotting the NFL! This is the only way to gain respect, as we confirm our relevance to the league. I know for many, boycotting is impossible, but for those who can, please do, let’s work to take a stand against blatant injustice.


Peace & Blessing,




Pledge here:


Back 2 School Mix


Hey Y’all,

As we come to the end of another summer, I decided to put together a Back 2 School Mix for motivation and therapy.  I hope that you dig this mix, please send feedback.  This music is our historical soundtrack; I truly believe that if we take a microscopic look at the origin of this music, we will find our future collectively.

Unfortunately, we found out this weekend that one of our great activist/comedians went home to Rest in Power.  In my humble opinion, Dick Gregory was a man that lived his life in service to urban communities through out the world.  Ultimately, he is a great example of the type of discipline and courage it takes to challenge a system that continues to fail the citizens of our grassroots society.

Peace & Blessings,







Black Spades Speak Out Against The Slander Of Afrika Bambaataa

In a day and age where rumors run rapid in inner city communities, allegations against hip hop legend Afrika Bambaataa seem unreal. Most of us consider Bambaataa’s Planet Rock one of the major influences, in a B-boy driven era, that birth a new culture and lifestyle in American history. Personally I believe that a man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, or amongst his peers. Last summer as we celebrated unity and non-violence at Crotona Park in the Boogie Down Bronx, the Black Spades spoke out against external forces dealing with an internal issue. Take a listen to what was said, and send me your opinions on the best way social justice should be approached, as we work to create a safe and harmonious environment for the future.




R.I.P. Dr. Abdul Malik Salahuddin “Sunshine”


Peace & Blessings,


Can we obtain Social Justice through Soul Food?

In a world where people are constantly concerned about their diets, Michael Twitty is examining social justice through food. Twitty a culinary historian, based in Washington D.C., suggests that we preserve the heritage, of what most of us refer to as, “Soul Food.” Twitty investigates the battered past of his ancestors, and how food played a significant role in African American history. Until I viewed this brothas presentation I had never considered the importance of the food that I was raised on. Check out Twitty’s view on food culture, you may never look at a pork chop the same way again.




Vote For Justice!!

Good Morning,

As we deal with trying times, I was inspired to write this song dedicated to the many lives that have been lost due to police brutality.  As of last year, when I wrote this record, 194 lives had been taken due to police brutality.  Brotha’s and Sista’s this has to be stopped.  If we can’t feel safe in our own communities, how will we save the children?  Take a listen to this song, and vote for this record to be put into rotation at Coast2Coast mix tapes.  If we begin to build awareness, we begin to create change!




Click here to vote:

Peace and Blessings,


It’s Tax Season, Let’s Talk Financial Literacy!!

Yes Brotha’s & Sistas, tax season has arrived again, and financial literacy remains key as we continue to strive for ultimate liberation.  Although most of us are planning to catch up on bills, take vacations, and upgrade our technical devices, it’s imperative that we begin to seriously consider investing a portion of our returns.  While checking out content on YouTube, I ran across this Breakfast Club interview with Stacy Tisdale.  This interview was very insightful, and I feel that this type of dialogue should become the norm in our urban communities. Check it out; let me know what you think:





Check out Jamilah Lemieux & Amber Phillips on The Breakfast Club

What’s Good Brotha’s & Sistas,


I hope the New Year is producing positive and enlightening energy for you and your families. I had some space in my schedule to check out this interview dealing with current issues, in regards to black men & women in urban communities.  Although I’m sure these issues are also surfacing in rural communities, it seems that our inner cities are forced to bear the brunt of these misguided views promoted by the media and our government about what we know as Black Culture. Check out this interview, form your own opinions, and let’s try to create positive platforms to share new concepts on the state of Black America.  Although the answers may not immediately present themselves, creating open dialogue should provide some form of healing, as we work to do better for the future of our society.




Peace & Blessings

